Monthly Archives: September 2014

Hangar Doors and Metal Buildings

bifold doors

There are a variety of hangar door options available. I recently spent some time with a few hangar owners discussing hangar doors.

Manually Opened Hangar Doors

Double Sliding Doors: This door is primarily used for agricultural purposes although I have seen them from time to time in hangars. This type of […]

What is Sitework?

Sitework consist of everything that it takes to stabilizing the ground against movement, make the site level & drain properly. In this installment we will use the Tarlton Supply facility located in Brenham, Texas as our example.

Stabilizing the Ground Against Movement:

Soils with a clay base for example tend to have more movement than say a solid […]

Types of Garage Doors

There are a variety of garage door options available for my metal buildings. Not to mention a long line of door accessories. For now I would like to explore the industry standard doors that are readily available and commonly used in 90% of most metal buildings.

Types of Garage Doors:

Double Sliding Doors: This type of door splits vertically […]